Naeva Tec app AECC Cáceres ranked as No. 1 in Health & Fitness (Spain)

Naevatec has collaborated providing the technology infrastructure that enabled the successful completion and success of this campaign that has left more than 30,000 km walked between all participants. This infrastructure consisted of:

The official website of the campaign where the campaign is being promoted and which was published in real time the number of kilometers traveled by participants

The most important infrastructure consisted of mobile applications that participants could download using the QR on the campaign poster for both Android phones and iPhone. These mobile applications, simply by the fact that the participant carries the phone, accounted steps and distance walked by the participant without having him to do nothing more than install the application. This information is continuously updated on the Web server that accumulated and totaled information of all participants and continuously publish on-line on the web. These applications are built using the capabilities of Health Kit on iPhone and Android Google Health to leverage the capabilities provided by these operating systems in terms of health issues. Specifically, it took advantage of the ability to account for the distance walked by each participant carrying with him his smartphone.
Apart from the success that has led the campaign to end more than 30,000 km traveled, greatly surpassing the proposed 5,000 km target, has also been successful at the technical level, the app has been downloaded more than 1,000 smartphones within the geographical scope of campaign (Caceres), getting to be the number 1 app in Health & Fitness Android in Spain.