FI-Ware: Future Internet Core Platform
FIWARE is an Open Source initiative whose mission is to build an open sustainable ecosystem around public, royalty-free and implementation-driven software platform standards for the development of Smart Applications in multiple sectors.
The FIWARE platform provides a rather simple yet powerful set of APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) and also combines components enabling the connection to the Internet of Things with Context Information Management and Big Data services on the Cloud. The specifications of these APIs public and royalty-free. An open source reference implementation of each of the FIWARE components is publicly available so that multiple FIWARE providers can emerge faster in the market with a low-cost proposition.
FIWARE FOUNDATION The FIWARE Foundation is the legal independent body providing shared resources to help achieve the FIWARE Mission. It does so by Empowering, Promoting, Augmenting, Protecting, and Validating FIWARE Platform technologies and supporting the Community around, including not only developers contributing code to the FIWARE platform but also those who contribute in building the FIWARE ecosystem and making it sustainable over time.
As such, individuals and organizations committing relevant resources in FIWARE Lab activities or activities of the FIWARE Accelerator, FIWARE Mundus or FIWARE iHubs programmes are also considered members of the FIWARE Community.
Naeva Tec provides the Kurento technology to build the “Stream Oriented Generic Enabler – SO GE” that enables web and mobile applications to provide functionality of audiovisual communications in real time. Integrates WebRTC functionality using both web and mobile applications and integration with other communication networks: SIP, IMS, etc..